Make Yourself Successful in Your Studies Be Exceptional Everyone in the world has above-average strength in some specific areas. If for example, you are not a talented singer, actor, or …
Make Yourself Successful in Your Studies Avoid wasting time Time that is wasted during school time never comes back. This is the reason why, at the end of each term …
Make Yourself Successful in Your Studies Be committed to your Plan During all my school days, the students who exceptionally kept committed to their study plans could be teased and …
King Ceasor University Make Yourself Successful in Your Studies Many times, we keep without any study plan, so it is no wonder that we end up being frustrated and disappointed …
Never start any of your term or semester with no goals to achieve. Even the biggest music stars, richest business people, or the most successful people you have always admired …
Believe in Yourself Look at people who have become successful in your community. You will realize one thing about them, they believe in themselves; they are strong; they are also …
POSITION TITLE: LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST (BIOCHEMISTRY, PHYSIOLOGY, PHARMACOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY AND ANATOMY) Reporting to: Head of department Duty station: Biomedical laboratories of KCU Main Campus, Bunga Hill, Kampala Type of appointment: Three-year …
Position Title: CHIEF LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST Reporting to: Head of department and Dean School of Medicine Responsible for: All laboratory technologists in the school of medicine Duty station: Biomedical laboratories of …
Scholars have provided varying definitions of the concept of strategic leadership. However, they all seem to revolve around the same theme of vision, change, people and performance. Strategic leadership is …
King Ceasor University Make yourself Successful in your Studies Start by taking action Making ourselves successful in our studies requires us to take action. There are no restrictions in this, …