Believe in Yourself
Look at people who have become successful in your community. You will realize one thing about them, they believe in themselves; they are strong; they are also self-motivated. They have energy and the energy they have is positive and so, it safeguards them through good and bad situations. It draws opportunities close to them like a magnet.
Believing in yourself is a way that can make you become successful in your studies. It is your internal battery that will keep you moving towards success. It is what will give you the drive to become successful during school and even after school. Therefore, in whatever you do, in whatever you go through during school; never ever forget to believe or trust in yourself.
To believe in oneself is something easier said than done. It is something that means taking action against your current situation. For example, if your current situation is not good enough, believing in yourself means making your bad situation good. It also means accepting what you are going through because, when you accept what you go through, you will get enough energy to change your current life situation.
Every day, we have an opportunity to trust in ourselves. To make good use of this opportunity, we must learn to put ourselves away from the past and use the present situation to try again. Remember life is like playing a competitive game. If you are playing a competitive game, you need to trust in yourself so that you can be able to use your inner abilities to win the game.
Each time, life continues to give us countless challenging situations. During these challenging situations, we may then feel downhearted and we start to give up. In such a situation, the voice inside you may tell you to stop the struggle and give up. If such a situation comes your way as it will do to you sometimes, rest if you can but never give up. Never give up the last hope of your life. Fight to remain strong, keep focused, and move forward. During this situation, if you can fly; “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but make sure you keep
moving forward.” And never to give up.
During this time, allow your life to follow its own natural flow. When you allow your life to follow your life’s flow, you’ll realize that life is precious and for this reason, your life will begin to guide you, and shower you with its gifts and riches. In this way, you will begin to appreciate the life you are in and also learn to relax. Your life will then let you move in the direction you are meant to go, and by doing this, you will find yourself becoming successful.
Kaweesa Simon Peter,
Patron Writers Club,
King Ceasor University