
Medical Laboratory Technology is one of the fastest growing health professions. This is because of increasing demand on health workers to handle emerging and re-emerging diseases/illnesses. There are also new advances in technology that the professionals need to be acquainted with. Medical Laboratory Technology involves collecting, processing and analyzing medical specimens to determine the health status of an individual/community. This is critical in enabling other health workers in determining the course of action in the management of the various health conditions.

This program endeavors to develop academic excellence and improve practical competencies demanded in Medical Laboratory Practice. It is developed with the view of facilitating effective teaching and learning methodologies.

Medical Laboratory Technologist (MLT) is one of the several professions listed under the allied health science (AHS) group. Medical Laboratory Technologist are the backbone of the medical laboratory service as the MLT’s are involved at all levels of the laboratory services from the preclinical, clinical right up to the post clinical stage. Medical Laboratory Technologist is an AHS professional who is involved in the process of diagnosing for treatment, rehabilitation and prevention through clinical laboratory tests.

This program is both theoretical and practical. Research and Laboratory placements are mandatory. The entire Program will entail forty-one (41) course units with twenty- five (25) being cores courses and sixteen (16) basic. This Program has no elective courses. The minimum credit unit should be two (2) and the maximum credit is five (5). The student must pass all the course units in order to be awarded with Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT).

Programme Objectives

To develop among students’ organizational skills, quantitative reasoning ability, good laboratory ethics and diverse laboratory competences for professional practice through focused class/courser work and hands-on experience.

Target groups

    1. Candidate with Valid A’ Level Certificate.
    2. Candidates with Diploma or Bachelors in other qualifications seeking a career in Diagnostic Medicine such as Diploma/Bachelors in Nursing, Diploma/Bachelors in pharmacy, Diploma/Bachelors in Biomedical Sciences, Diploma/ Bachelors in Medicine.

The diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) program will consist of three academic years (6 semesters) and not more than four years unless the School of Medicine, Helath and Life Sciences board recommends otherwise and the KCU senate approves.

Direct Entry
The candidate should have at least one Principal Pass at Advanced level of Education in Biology and two subsidiary passes, one in Chemistry and any other science subject.

Indirect Entry
The following categories of candidates are qualified for admission to the programme if they sit and pass a written and oral examination by an approved professional body.

    1. Holders of a Certificate in Medical Laboratory Techniques, two years of practical experience and registered with the Allied Health Professionals’ Council.
    2. Holders of at least a certificate in any of the health and biological science programmes from a recognized institution.

International Applicants
Applicants with foreign academic qualifications will be required to show certified prove of the stated qualifications from the relevant examination boards. They must be proficient in English Language from an accredited institution. Where necessary the applicant’s documents will have to be verified/equated by relevant bodies like National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) or Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB).

At the successful completion of the program, the graduate shall be able to do the following, with respect to;

    1. Perform laboratory investigations correctly
    2. Manage laboratory resources and services effectively and efficiently
    3. Manage laboratory, infection control, and safety
    4. Promote Quality Assurance in the carrying out of the laboratory services
    5. Participate in Disease Surveillance and response
    6. Demonstrate Medical Laboratory professionalism and ethics
    7. Demonstrate additional skills, knowledge and attitude pertinent to laboratory services
    8. Carry out research and use research findings
    9. Document and disseminate Laboratory information effectively

Tuition fees for privately sponsored students shall be 600 USD per semester. All students are required to pay other functional and non-functional fees as may be defined on admission.


This depicts allocation of time to various curricula activities with a total load of 140 credit units. The activities and their symbols are as follows: Overview lectures and seminars are shown as LH (lecture hours); Skills laboratory activities, practicals and clinical exposure are shown as PH (practical hours) Tutorials sessions are shown as TH (tutorial hours)