Bachelor of Laws

HomeProgramsBachelor of Laws


The Bachelor of laws Programme at KCU emphasizes a culture of thinking critically, facilitating advocacy, promote awareness of legal entitlement to both substantive and participatory justice, good health practice and research. It will support strong family values in the community and the world at large. We are particularly proud of our practical skills approach demonstrated through student participation in moots, clinical legal education, field attachments and our collaborative Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) with various law firms and governmental institutions including the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution.

The law graduate will not only be in position to positively impact societal experiences but also go a long way in using principles from both substantive and procedural laws in settling of disputes strengthening the profession. This curriculum reflects the accepted and expected standards for legal training and legal education as set out by the ULC in conjunction with the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE).

Programme Objectives

  1. To provide students with knowledge of the principles of law.
  2. To prepare students with foundations for legal practice whether as judicial officers,
    advocates, company secretaries, academicians, legal advisers etc.
  3. To develop key skills of analysis, problem-solving, legal reasoning, and argument.
  4. To enable students to appreciate and use legal research in solving legal problems.
  5. To provide opportunities to enhance legal and personal skills through participation in
    mooting, negotiating and client interviewing.
  6. To encourage an awareness of other disciplines that have influence on the content of laws
    and legal developments.

Target groups

    1. Direct entry scheme.
    2. Diploma Holder’s entry scheme.
    3. Transfer from LLB programmes of other Institutions and referrals from Law council.

The duration of the programme is four (4) academic years which are subdivided into eight (8) semesters of full-time study. Where by each academic year is comprised of two (2) semesters.

The length of each semester is equivalent to seventeen (17) weeks. Fifteen (15) 12 of which are weeks for teaching whereas the two (2) out of the 17 comprise weeks for
examination period.

Direct Entry
For admission to the Bachelor of Laws degree programme under the Direct Entry Scheme, an applicant must have;

  1. The Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE).
  2. The Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least two principal passes in any of the subjects done at A- Level School obtained at the same sitting. At least one of these passed subjects should be Literature, History, Geography, Economics or Divinity.

Diploma Holders Entry Scheme
For admission to the Bachelor of Laws degree programme.

Transfer from LLB programmes of other Institutions and referrals from Law council

Any candidate seeking for admission into the LLB program, who has been attending a similar programme
in another institution of higher learning recognized by NCHE;

  1. Starts from year one semester one of this program, if he or she was discontinued on disciplinary grounds from the programme from the institution he or she is transferring from.
  2. Be considered for advanced standing admission (admission at a level beyond year one semester one of the programme) by the law school as the specific case may require, and a recommendation made to senate regarding the level of entry into the programme and the courses he or she has to be exempted, if any.

In both situations, each candidate shall produce the following documents before he or she is considered.

  • Original O’ level certificate or its equivalent.
  • Original A’ Level certificate, where applicable.
  • Certified Academic transcripts for the years attended in the institution he or she is transferring from.
  • A transfer letter and a letter of good standing from the institution he or she is transferring from duly signed by the Academic Registrar.

International Applicants

  1. Must present satisfied copies of academic documents from their previous school institutions, which are equated by Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB).
  2. Students speaking other international languages must be able to understand, speak and write in English and have a certified certificate in English proficiency from recognized institution.

At the end of the LLB course, the student shall be expected to:;

    1. Have obtained legal knowledge and capable of applying such legal knowledge in responding to real life situations.
    2. Have attained the skills and techniques which prepare them in serving the legal professional whether as judicial officers, advocates, academicians or company sectaries, paralegals and other law related disciplines.
    3. Be able to use key skills of analysis, problem-solving, legal reasoning, and argument.
    4. Be able to demonstrate the application of key legal research as a resourceful tool in the solving of legal problems.
    5. To apply their legal and personal skills through participating in mooting, negotiating and client interviewing.
    6. To utilise their awareness of other disciplines such as political science, social science, international relations among many other areas that have an influence on the content of law and the context of contemporary legal developments.

Tuition fees for privately sponsored students shall be 800 USD per semester. All students are required to pay other functional and non-functional fees as may be defined on admission.


Each course taught shall account for a minimum of 2 and maximum 4 credit units and the full programme shall run for 145 credit units (CU). Contact Hours (CH) and Credit Units (CU) are used, where one (1) lecture hour is equivalent to 2 practical hours and 1 credit unit is equivalent to 15 hours.