Bachelor of Business Administration

HomeProgramsBachelor of Business Administration


King Ceasor University offers a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree programme which is designed to provide a strong background for professional and academic career development in the wider realm of business and management studies. The programme provides students with strong theoretical and practical-oriented skills, required in the private and public sectors, as well as the third sector.

The programme also seeks to provide training for those individuals who wish to gain skills in establishing and managing their own enterprises and those who are already in business but wish to improve on management of their enterprises.

Apart from the training the generic areas of Business and management studies realm, the BBA programme provides opportunity for participants to select from three (3) study areas of specialisation, namely, Accounting and Finance, Marketing Management, Banking and Insurance. Important topics on the identified modules have been developed to provide a distinctive learning experience for students. Learning outcomes are complemented by the inclusion of an independent final year project.

Programme Objectives

The BBA Program specifically strives to;

  1. Prepare students to deal with challenges of the changing global environment with better prospects.
  2. Equip students with skills to conduct research and solve day-to-day modern business and management problems.
  3. Provide the fundamental concepts and theory of business practice and specialized study in a business discipline.
  4. Train students with leadership and management skills to create business enterprise and employment.
  5. Develop and manage business processes, culture and ethical values to ensure quality organizational performance and customer satisfaction.

Target groups

    1. Direct entry scheme
    2. Diploma Holders entry scheme
    3. Mature Age entry scheme
    4. Higher Education Certificate (HEC)
    5. Credit Accumulation and Transfer and Exemptions.

The duration of the Bachelor of Business Administration programme is three academic years, which is six (6) semesters degree course. A student may obtain the BBA Degree in a shorter period where that student is exempted from one or more years whose course units, she/he must have passed at another recognized University or other recognized Tertiary institution accredited to offer BBA programme. However, no student shall be allowed to obtain the degree beyond a period of seven (7) academic consecutive years, including, where applicable, a dead year except with the approval of the university senate.

Direct Entry
For admission under the Direct Entry Scheme, a candidate must have;

  1. The Uganda Certificate of Education or its equivalent.
  2. Advanced level with at least a principal pass in Economics or Entrepreneurship and other Science/ Arts subjects obtained at same sitting of the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education/ or its equivalent.

Essential; Economics or Entrepreneurship and one best done subject of the remaining A level subjects.

Relevant; Second best done of the remaining A level subjects.

Desirable; General Paper, sub-maths, ICT.

Others; All others

Diploma Holders
A candidate shall be admitted to the Bachelor of Business Administration Programme if she/he has at least with Second Class – Lower or Credit Diploma in Business Administration from a recognized institution of higher learning.

Mature Age Entry
For admission under the Mature Age Entry Scheme, a candidate must pass the Mature Age Entry Examinations of King Ceasor University for the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree or any other nationally recognised entry exam by the National Council for Higher Education.

Higher Education Certificate
A Higher Education Certificate of at least a credit from accredited institution.

Credit Accumulation and Transfer and Exemptions
A student may be permitted to change from one programme to another at KCU on condition that;

  1. He/she satisfies admission requirements for the programme applied for
  2. The student has formally applied to the Academic Registrar’s officer for the change within the first two weeks of the beginning of the semester.
  3. A student permitted to change his/her programme may be allowed to transfer the credits from the previous programme to the new programme provided that the credits being transferred are relevant to the new academic programme.
  4. The student may begin studies after the transfer has been approved by the University Senate.
    A student from another institution may be allowed to transfer his/her credit units and continues studies at KCU provided that he/she has minimum entry requirements for the programme and the programme content is comparable to that of KCU. The programme and the institution must be accredited by National Council for Higher Education or any other mandated body in the jurisdiction of the Institution. Transferring students shall be required to earn at least 60% of the maximum credit unit at KCU in order to qualify for the award of KCU.

Students with prior qualifications such diplomas, advanced diplomas may be exempted from some courses if there is evidence that such courses were competently covered in prior qualifications. Exemptions shall not exceed 40% of the entire programme. Exempted course shall not contribute towards a final cumulative grade point average.

At the successful completion of this programme the student will reliably demonstrate the ability to;

    1. Demonstrate a broad and integrated knowledge and understanding of the academic/scientific foundation of business and management studies.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge of current events and trends in business and understand in detail the major business functions – understanding markets, developing strategy, understanding and improving processes, managing human resources, managing money, technology and other resources.
    3. Differentiate business concepts and managerial tools in different organizational settings in decision-making.
    4. Demonstrate creativity and innovativeness in a business environment.
    5. Use analytical and reflective thinking techniques to identify and analyze problems, develop viable alternatives, and make effective decisions.
    6. Apply different quantitative and economic models in solving business problems.
    7. Master the skills and techniques necessary in analyzing and evaluating information, planning, applying concepts and models to the solution of problems, evaluating risk, making decisions, communicating, working in teams, thinking effectively and in flexibly managing their own life.
    8. Prepare and analyze financial information, and make informed rational decisions in financial and assets management.
    9. Prepare and deliver effective oral business presentations using a variety of appropriate technologies.
    10. Venture into his/her own business.
    11. Identify and analyze ethical conflicts and social responsibility issues involving different stakeholders.

Tuition fees for privately sponsored students shall be 800 USD per semester. All students are required to pay other functional and non-functional fees as may be defined on admission.


Details of the Programme structure are specified below with Contact Hours (CH), Credit Units (CU); where 15CH = 1CU. Contact hours are in form of Lecture Hours (LH), tutorial hours (TH) or Practical hours (PH). 1CH = 1LH or 2T/PH